A vision- blog by Sachin Saran

Read out the views of one of professions in education field, who is also Our Director. Read Mr.Sachin Saran's vision on India's Education Landscape.

Sachin Saran, Founder and Director, Karmanya Gurutvam LDS

4/17/20243 min read

A Vision - by Sachin Saran

It feels as if it has been ages since I penned down my views on anything. I do speak, explain and narrate usually, but while it comes to writing it feels different. No doubt writing gives us a deep insight into our own thoughts! Today that our organization - Karmanya Gurutvam LDS has completed a year, I take immense pleasure in penning down my thoughts.

I have been working in the educational sector for a long time now. I wonder if I can really work to make a difference. I see lot of problems everyday which makes me wonder more and more (and  more). As someone who is connected with the education system, I am constantly confronted with the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The landscape of education in our country is evolving, and it's time we take a critical look at where we stand and where we can go from here.

As I believe, one of the major issues we face is the lack of awareness among students regarding their career options. Many times students are unaware of what choice they are making. They hardly look at their choice from multiple dimensions - The scope, the consequences, the market demand, the financial potential and growth. Many students this unawareness leads to uninformed decisions about their future. This limited knowledge often results in students feeling stuck and unable to grow, as they are unaware of the diverse paths they can take. Take an example that if a child took commerce, he ends up viewing only accountant and tally work as his future, overlooking the diverse range of opportunities available.

This stream of Science, Arts and Commerce and the image of jobs that one can get after studying this hasn't changed since decades. Later, it takes a lot of effort and courage for anyone to break the boundaries of their career image and see further. I believe this is the greatest challenge that we should be addressing. One’s skills, one's talent cannot be limited to one image of a job that they created. The degree on hold has a lot more to offer.

Furthermore, there is a prevalent focus on rote learning and traditional academic skills, rather than on developing practical, real-world skills. This narrow focus not only limits the potential of our students but also fails to prepare them for the challenges of the modern world. Imagine, on an average an individual goes to school/college for 15-17 years ( 2 years of preschool/kg, 10 years of schooling, 5 years of High school and Graduation), and still lacks skill hwich is the basic of the degree that they choose!!! Isnt it saddening?

Another challenge we face is the undue pressure from parents and society, pushing students towards certain career paths, often without considering their interests and aptitudes. This pressure, coupled with the allure of government jobs and prestigious institutes, can lead students down paths that may not align with their true potential.

To address these issues, we need a paradigm shift in our approach to education. We need to make sure that each one is aware about what they are going ahead with in terms of academics. We need to move towards a more skill-based education system that focuses on the holistic development of students. We need to empower students with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions about their future.

As friends, as parents, as teachers and as a responsible individual we should always offer a bit of insight to the young mind who looks upto you for help. For that, we ourself need to be aware. As a torch bearer, as a guide, it is our responsibility to show directions. Of course, choosing the direction is upto the young minds, but making sure that the vision is clear, we can definitely help with that.

As we move forward, it's essential to recognize the role that we play in our society. We have the power to guide and shape the future generation. It is our responsibility to nurture and empower our youth and our children, so they can become the leaders of tomorrow.

I believe that by reimagining our education system and focusing on skill-based learning, we can create a brighter future for each individual and for our mother nation. It's time to embrace a vision of education that empowers every individual to reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully to society.